Providing Best Solutions
New Technology
Panatec is a novel, non antibiotic, platform technology developed in cooperation with the National University of Ireland [..]
Vet Services
We offer Veterinarians in practice, practical on farm demonstrations on how to approach Herd Health [..]
Our Products
Mayo Healthcare are specialists in minerals and controlled release trace elements for large animals [..]
Vet Services
We offer Veterinarians in practice, practical on farm demonstrations on the best practice approach to Herd Health through understanding the nutritional requirements for Ruminants, particularly during periods of metabolic stress such as calving and the transition period, dry cow management in general including the basic nutritional feed requirements that are the cornerstone of all ruminant diets.
We explain the energy requirements and the main causes of metabolic stresses in dry and lactating cows and how these challenges can be easily overcome and detail the financial and health consequences to leaving these conditions undiagnosed. We explain fibre, protein and carbohydrate requirements for both grown and growing stock, what the main causes of appetite suppression are and how they can be prevented especially during periods of transition.
We give a understanding of how best to transition heifer calves from the shed to grass while avoiding setbacks.
We also offer a basic audit check list applicable to all ruminant farms.
Cow Side Testing
We supply a range of devices used for ruminant side testing (for immediate results) in both blood and urine analysis.
Energy deficits (BHB + Glycemia) (Dry period)
Energy deficits (BHB + Glycemia) (Early lactation)
Blood Calcium Levels in the close up calving period
Passive Immunity Transfer (in calves)
How to reshape the diet to rebalance when necessary
Metabolic Products
We manufacture a range of supplements designed to address the specific requirements of ruminants in metabolic stress, both on a indvidual and herd approach including:
Ketosis (Clinical and Sub Clinical)
Milk Fever (Clinical and Sub Clinical)
Fatty Liver ( Clinical and Sub Clinical)
Retained Cleaning and Metritis
Negative Energy Balance
Displaced Abomasum
Early Lactation Mastitis
This day course involves in house presentations, Q + A sessions, on farm demonstrations of cow side testing and our audit approach in a simplified, user friendly and easy to apply formula.
Training is charged per Vet per day and discounts may apply for group practices.
For further information, contact us.